Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- The course is being prepped for winter shutdown.
- Finishing up mowing and golf course grass maintenance for the year.
- Punch list projects are continuing to be completed.
- Dormant seeding native grass areas
- Snow fencing being installed for snow and wildlife control on new greens
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- All major construction now complete on the 18-hole course and Par 3 course
- Punch list items being completed
- Good grass germination seen throughout entire 18-hole course
- Regular maintenance now occurring on entire 18-hole course
- Germination continuing on Par 3 course
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- All utilities pertaining to the Stormwater management project have been completed.
- We are starting to fill the new retention pond on 18 with water being evacuated from the new stormwater containment system.
- The 18-hole course has been completed; germination is occurring and seedlings are emerging quickly.
- Hole 1 was seeded on Sept. 15th.
- Regular maintenance on the north and middle sections of the property.
- Mowing (greens, tees, fairways and roughs)
- Integrated pest management
- Irrigation as needed
- Par 3 final grading and seeding
- (3) new greens and complexes have been constructed
- Bunker shaping
- Existing greens have been sprayed, aerified and topdressed prepped for seed.
- In just a few short weeks we will be transitioning the south section of the course to regular maintenance.
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- Seed germination & Hydro-mulching on 11 of 18 holes
- Major work is being completed on holes 17, 16, 15, 10, 9, 1 & 18
- Final grading and seeding
- Irrigation install completing final holes
- Work continues on new lake complex (seed & erosion control being installed, new bridge on holes 15/16)
- Final grading work is taking place on the par 3 course
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- Topsoil being redistributed on holes 9, 10, 15 and 16
- Major earthwork is confined to holes 9, 10 and 18 to follow
- Final grading on holes 13, 12, 7, 3, 2, 4 (north end) began the week of July 24th
- Seeding began on hole 13
- Irrigation is pressurized and functional on holes prepared for seed and installation is following in the order of earthwork being completed
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- The majority of the earthmoving work has been centralized on 4 holes across the heart of the property, holes 5, 6, 8, 11.
- Removing, sub-grade clay material to form the new lake on #18 is taking shape and are making good progress moving east, and clay is being re-distributed across the holes above.
- New greens drainage on hole #16 and bunker re-shaping occurring.
- Cart paths work continues on holes 9, 10, 15, 16.
- Irrigation has begun evaluating and re-installing irrigation components.
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- #1 Fairway: Native soil has been excavated and clay sub-grade has been redistributing. Drainage is being installed.
- #2 Fairway: Has had its clay subgrade approved and is now in the process of redistributing the native soil back on top.
- Nursery between #3 Green and #4 Tee has been excavated, clay sub grade installed and the native soil being redistributed.
- #4 Fairway: Native soil being excavated, new cart path running along the left side of the hole.
- #14 Fairway: Has had its clay subgrade approved and have started redistributing the native soil.
- #18 Lake: Excavation has begun and this is where we are getting our clay sub grade material
- Par 3 #5: Sub grading for the new green.
Check out the video below to see the progress of the golf course construction project to date. In this video, you will see:
- The north portion of the golf course holes #2, 4, 7 and #12 are holes that have visible construction occurring – earthwork and spraying of herbicides.
- Hole #2 excavation removal of existing native soils for use on other areas of the golf course
- Overview of the Skokie playfields, driving range, hole #1, irrigation detention ponds
- Stockpiling stone used for subbase of the cart path construction
- Cart path construction hole #2
- Cart path overview holes #3, #4 tee, #12 green tying into new bridge construction on #12 fairway
- Overview of hole #12’s fairway remodeling, new bridge and cart path routing
- Stockpiling native soils on hole #9 from the removal on hole #2 for use on other areas of the golf course
- View of the north portion of the golf course currently under construction

We are excited to share with you the first video in our Winnetka Golf Club Informational Interview Series! You will hear from Architect Rick Jacobson and KemperSports Regional Agronomist Dave Groelle on what was done during the initial phase of the project back in the fall, the work that lies ahead, and how the design will positively impact the playability of the golf course. You will also see some aerial footage of the golf course construction project and renderings with Rick Jacobson’s notes. Enjoy!
The winter weather has provided some decent conditions for work to continue on the golf course.
- On the 18-hole course, most of the underground work as it pertains to the stormwater plan is complete.
- Excavation of the large 14-acre lake was started and material from that was spread on some adjacent fairways. Depending on the weather, work has been on and off.
- The preliminary work on the installation of cart paths has also started. Some of the paths have been laid out and excavation started the week of February 13th.
- Tree trimming also began the week of February 13th in conjunction with the cart path excavation.
- By all estimations, the project is on schedule currently.

Great progress has been made on the golf course stormwater project thus far. The par 3 course work is mostly completed with only some box culverts and storm drains remaining to be installed. Currently, all work is happening on the 18-hole course. The #17 pond has been excavated, and the larger retention pond excavation will start as weather allows.
Topsoil has been spread on a few fairways as planned, but work has slowed due to the wet weather. Most of the tree removals are complete, with only large debris left to be hauled away. Progress has also been made in raising/lowering/removing existing drain basins and sprinkler heads throughout the property. Depending on the weather, work will continue all winter long.